Lying close to the plantations in the rich jungles of Periyar in Thekkady is one of the world’s most fascinating natural wildlife reserves – the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary. Spread across 777 sq. km, of which 360 sq. km is thick evergreen forest, the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary was declared a Tiger Reserve in 1978. Noted for its geo-morphological diversity of wildlife and scenic beauty, the Reserve attracts visitors from all over the world. Periyar Wild Life Sanctuary is an idyllic retreat that offers an unparalleled opportunity to savour the magical sensation of the evergreen rainforests that straddles the tiny state of Kerala on the South-Western tip of the Indian Peninsula.
The splendid artificial lake formed by the Mullaperiyar Dam across the Periyar river adds to the charm of the park. This is the only sanctuary in India where you can have the unique experience of viewing wildlife at close quarters from the safety of a boat on the lake. The greatest attraction of Periyar remains the large herds of wild elephants that come down to the lake’s edge.Situated 2800 feet above MSL, the climate is pleasantly cool through out the year and the unpolluted mountain air truly invigorating and the experience is sublime.